Hong Kong Entomological Bulletin 2009 Volume 1(1)
Entire Issue (P.i-55) (6.6 MB)
Aston P. Chrysomelidae of Hong Kong Part 2 Subfamily Alticinae (P.1-13)
Ho W. C. Sinophasma mirabile Günther, 1940 (Phasmatodea: Necrosciinae) - a new record of stick insect from Hong Kong (P.14-17)
Lee X. Q. A note on Vespa soror (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Hong Kong (P.18-22)
Wu K. L. A brief account of Orthorrhaphous Brachycera (Diptera) in Hong Kong (P.23-37)
Yiu V. Winter aggregation of Danaine Butterflies in Hong Kong (1999 - 2009) Ten years records and a brief account (P.38-56)