Hong Kong Entomological Bulletin 2021 Volume 13(1)
Entire Issue (P.1-32) (4.4 MB)
Ho Wai-Chun, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea VII: A new genus for two new species of Medaurini from China (Phasmatidae: Clitumninae) (P.3-11) (0.6 MB)
Ho Wai-Chun, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea VIII: Four new species of Carausius Stål, 1875 from China (Lonchodidae: Lonchodinae) (P.12-21) (0.6 MB)
Yiu Vor, Population size reduction and geographic range of Rhagophthalmus hiemalis in Hong Kong (P.22-27) (1.0 MB)
Reels, G.T., Hong Kong dragonflies: Key species and sites (P.28-32) (0.2 MB)